Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 5: part 4 - Capsule hotel

My plan from the beginning of this trip was to see as much as I could while spending as little money as possible. I have already explained that without planning, this proved to be overly difficult. However, once I bit the bullet, and decided to plan ahead for the rest of my trip, I got what must be the cheapest hotel in Tokyo.

Throughout Tokyo there are many Capsule hotels that are basically stacked coffins that you pay for and sleep in. I was looking for these types of accomodations from the beginning, but they don't exactly advertise themselves as such from the street. My new hotel is this sort of lodging, but it does not say capsule hotel anywhere outside, even in Japanese. I thought that I might share a photo of my foot within this capsule.

This place definitely has a bit of a funk smell when you walk in. It is not the smell that comes from feet, or anything like that, but instead it is the smell of wetness, or dampness, or probably mold, as if the place does not have proper ventilation after many hot showers are drawn. The other disadvantage of this place is that on the other side of the curtain is a dark room with about eight of these capsules. The door to the room is only a slide door, and there is no problem hearing the conversation that the folks outside are having. (There is a community room where I can sit and write and organize what I need to.)

All that said, the price more than makes up for all of these shortcomings (at least within my value set), and I am fortunate to have a disposition such that a lot of these problems really don't bother me. Now I could sleep.

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